
Microsoft App-V 5.0 takes virtualization to the next level - vanalstynerefustoo

The Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) is a suite of tools in stock to Microsoft Software Assurance customers that enables IT admins to manage Microsoft environments more effectively. App-V—one of the tools included in MDOP—has been updated with earthshaking enhancements IT admins and users will appreciate.

What is App-V

Let's start with a pocket-size background on App-V, which is short for application virtualization. Rather than having you instal separate copies of software on individual PCs, App-V enables organizations to host the application and deliver it virtually to users. From the user's perspective, the computer software looks and acts American Samoa if it's installed locally, but from the IT admin's point of view IT is much easier to manage and maintain a single instance of the application.

App-V package is never installed locally, so there are no conflicts or compatibility issues to worry about. The software is streamed from the App-V server and can be cached and executed locally so it's still available even if the system International Relations and Security Network't online. App-V seat permit organizations to continue victimisation legacy applications that can't be installed locally on newer versions of Windows, OR to run newer software on older versions of Windows.

Uncomparable of the benefits of virtualizing applications for a business or IT admin is that information technology is much easier to maintain. When a new version of the software comes out, on that point is only peerless system to install it on. When security patches operating theater computer software updates are free, lonesome one instance of the application of necessity to be updated. IT admins get by the configuration of the application(s) so its easier to ensure that all users have a consistent experience.

New and Improved

Previous incarnations of App-V have left something to be desired. Microsoft has listened to customer feedback, though, and continues to evolve the ware to leave a smoother, more consistent experience.

A recent post on Microsoft's Springboard Serial Web log details one of the primary stumbling blocks with previous versions of App-V. In a nutshell, applications hosted in App-V have been too isolated. In that location are good reasons for maintaining each application in its own silo, simply some applications need to work collectively in order to be used in effect, and to enable users to capitalize of complete the software is capable of.

Microsoft Government agency is a good example. Organizations can host Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and other Microsoft software centrally with App-V, merely because the applications are walled off from each other common tasks like embedding a table of data from Surpass into a Word papers couldn't represent accomplished.

Microsoft solves that job in App-V 5.0 with a new feature called Virtual Covering Connection Group. An IT admin can chemical group applications together in a Virtual Application Connexion Group to enable them to communicate and work together. This new feature makes it easier for organizations to depend on App-V to deploy computer software and provide users with an environment that works fitting as they'd expect with locally installed software program.

With App-V 5.0, Microsoft besides self-addressed another problem conduct of virtualized apps. Past versions of App-V registered specific file types rather than broad capabilities. So, an "MP3" file might personify registered to open in an App-V hosted Media Player, or in for single file types power be linked to an App-V hosted e-mail client, but media files OR email cognitive content that didn't oppose the specific file types would equal handled locally in Windows.

Virtual Application Extension in App-V 5.0 allows the App-V virtualized apps to register in Windows just as topically installed computer software does, so the App-V software can become the default option application for Windows in the main rather than just for particularized registered Indian file types.

App-V 5.0 also has some new tricks for IT admins. A management port improved on Silverlight enables IT admins to monitor and maintain App-V from just about anywhere via the Web. A Web-based direction framework gives IT admins more freedom than being tied to a specific console.

Platform agnostic

App-V is formed with Windows PCs in mind, but App-V can also birth Windows background applications to virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environments. At that place are no alternate platforms officially supported aside Microsoft, but using a third-political party VDI platform like Citrix, organizations may make up able to deliver Windows software to Mac Oculus sinister X or Linux, or peradventure equal to mobile platforms like iOS and Android.

App-V is just 1 tool in the MDOP armory, but it's a powerful one. App-V 5.0 includes many considerable improvements that simplify diligence virtualization, and make it even easier for organizations to deliver a conversant consistent experience for users from a virtualized App-V environment.


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