Institution: Cheap Mask Tensioning Hook

In front WE DIVE INTO THIS INSTRUCTABLE , let's talk more or less the " ANYTHING GOES " contest. This Instructable has been entered into the contest, and at first-class honours degree glance, it's the little baby tadpole accounting entry among the very fast rabbits, very strong gorillas, and same smart cyborg assassins already entered into that contest. Why should you vote for this entry when it's in essence a paper clip bending project that takes 90 seconds to assemble? I have three reasons, and you wish either agree with me and give me your vote, Beaver State else you will at the least see the humor in my attempt to convert you:

  • This project will be anyone version ZERO. You have the parts in your domiciliate already, and you won't need to commit Amazon whatsoever money to realize it.
  • You will use this project after you make it EVERY SINGLE DAY until we are bushed a better invest. Will you habit any of the other projects All Unvarying DAY? Maybe the couch cover. The others? They are nice. Very dodgy. You won't use them EVERY DAY.
  • This jut out is a classic maker's life hack. That is: you don't need a workshop, surgery a 3D pressman, or some fancy information processing system software or gizmo to build it. It rings back to the early days of Instructable aura when anybody with a junk drawer could create something and get 3000 people to read about IT and build one too. Right to vote for a classic.

Give thanks you!


I'll bet that everyone reading this Instructable has had to wear a mask of extraordinary kind in the lastly 10 months. I'll also bet that if you are wearing a cheap paper mask, you are wearing it loose and flappy - which means you're not really wearing it properly. This Instructable is meant to assistance you get that mask in situ in a stress which really causes the masquerade party to behave something comparable it is intended to act.

The supplied for this project are wide-eyed:

  • A mask (which you commode variety out as it gets used and old)
  • a gem clip
  • A set of thin-nose pliers

Step out 1: Step 1: Straighten the Paper Snip off

When you tidy up it, it should be about 150mm or about 6 inches.

Step 2: Step 2: Double It Back

Now take the metal piece and sheepfold the tips back and so that they meet approximately in the middle of the tiny rod. It should look like the moving-picture show above.

Step 3: Tone 3: Bend in Hooks at the Closing

Now fold in the rounded tips back up in again as in the picture above. I chose to stoop it in a "C" hook style (tips facing), but you could also prefer to bend it "S" hook flair.

Step 4: Step 4: Add the Hook to Your Mask

Information technology's really that simple. I bent the end attached to the mask to support it from escaping when it is in my car, just you could besides leave it unbent. When you want to put the masqu on now, kinda than flopping the ends terminated your ears, connect the two straps behind your head up with the hook.

That's all! Stay safe everyone!

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  • Anything Goes Contest 2022

    Anything Goes Contest 2022